What impressed me was the parent (photo below) which was seen looking dull and haggard with mud stains over its head, face and plumage, a result of working hard hunting for insects in the mangrove mudflats for the fledgling. Before breeding, the parents were fresh, clean and bright.
That’s what all parents would work very hard to make sure their children get the best food to grow up.
A haggard parent bringing food to its chicks. |
A clean, fresh fledgling waiting for the parent to feed. |
A young offspring.
Parent and child, after feeding. Right is fledgling. |
A parent feeding its fledgling. |
Parent and fledgling, left is parent. |
An adult mangrove pitta, taking a rest after feeding its young.
Feeding two offsprings the size of its own is not easy for the parent. |
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