House Crow 家鴉 Half-jokingly, one of my good friends once said to me that after seeing many of our FB postings of nice looking birds, he had not seen any posting of common street birds such as crows. He quipped that we were biased against crows. I could not agree with him more, but I could not help it because every time I wanted to snap some shots of the crows, they were either besides garbage bins, dump sites or worst, scavenging rotten carcasses. All dirty or unpleasant scenes. This time, I got the chance to snap them whilst they were on flight, and so at least able to accord them with some air of elegance to qualify them to be posted. LOL. (May 2016, Kepala Batas) A flock of crow on a tree at Kepala Batas padi field, providing some rare graceful scene of crows.